Steam & Power Generation Engineer

Kilombero Sugar Company

Job Expired

Job Overview

Job Purpose.
Steam & Power Generation Engineer will be responsible to deliver required steam and power (electrical generation) performance at optimal efficiency to meet needs of internal and external customers.

Specific Duties and Responsibilities.

  • Ensure optimal performance of all boilers and power steam systems in the sugar factory.
  • Responsible for engineering input in terms of equipment settings for the season e.g. Boilers and power steam systems, optimisation etc.
  • Responsible for the S&PG Engineering input to the Maintenance head in terms of repair solutions and supervision / co-ordination of repairs to critical equipment / Abnormal projects etc.
  • Responsible for S&PG Engineering input into Capital / Abnormal & Maintenance Projects.
  • Management of allocated Capital Projects.
  • Manage, oversee all mechanical work on allocated Abnormal Projects during Off-crop
  • Responsible for the S&PG aspects of the stop day and off-crop planning processes and execution of the relevant maintenance scope.
  • Responsible for the development of Season and Off-Crop S&PG budgets with Maintenance Head, finance business partner, optimization team, and manage allocated budgets, including cost effective management of resources.
  • Collaborate with Reliability Engineer to identify and execute reliability improvements through design modifications and reliability improvement strategies.
  • Responsible for Maintenance improvements to optimise efficiency and output of boilers and power steam system achieving reliability criteria within maintenance budget.
  • Responsible for Cleaning/De-ashing cycles
  • Implement performance and stat tests in line with design performance.
  • Responsible for shutdown and start up processes


Job Qualification and Experience

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical / Electrical Engineering
  • 2 years on Water tube Boilers and Power Generation.
  • 3 years broad experience on sugar mill equipment.
  • 2 year maintenance engineering experience.
  • Fully proficient on the maintenance requirements of the OSHACT or Country Equivalent (Statutory maintenance, inspections, legal appointments etc) as it relates to all sugar milling equipment including but not limited to high pressure steam systems, power generation, high speed machines and maintenance.

Terms of Service: The successful candidate will be engaged on a Permanent Contract.

All interested candidates, who meet the above requirements, should apply for the position on or before 12th December 2024. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Kilombero Sugar Company Limited is an equal opportunity employer. Women and people with disability are highly encouraged to apply.

More Information

Job Location

  • This job has expired!
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