Community Engagement Officer (CEO)

Asasi ya Uwezeshaji Tanzania (ASUTA)

Job Expired

Job Overview

Community Engagement Officer (CEO) Job Vacancy at ASUTA



Asasi ya Uwezeshaji Tanzania – ASUTA is working in partnership with FHI 360 on Epidemic Control (EpiC) which is a global project funded by the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) which is dedicated to achieving and maintaining HIV epidemic control.  It is led by FHI 360 as prime and has a five-year period of performance from April 15, 2019 to September,30th, 2025.

 ASUTA offer the following open vacancy for interested candidate;

Job Title: Community Engagement Officer (CEO) – DAR ES SALAAM

Full Time

Minimum Qualification Degree

Years of Experience 2 years

As a Community Engagement Officer, the Employee is required to perform the following duties and undertake the following responsibilities in a professional manner.

  • Supervising and managing all peers (educators, mobilizers, navigators), by making sure community activities are well planned and implemented to facilitate Comprehensive HIV service provision (HTS, PrEP, HIVST, TB, GBV and Family planning)
  • Supervision of HTS service including mobile testing, self-testing and index testing to reach key population
  • Supporting AGYW/FSW/MSM Peer (Educators mobilizers, navigators) to roll out SBCC Training among AGYW/FSW/MSM in respective community
  • Supporting Peer (educators, mobilizers, navigators) during Community works including demand creation, group education, individual education, outreach services for bot moonlight and mobile testing and client’s referrals and linkages
  • Supervising and supporting formation of PrEP groups in the project by making sure groups are managed by the team members for sustainability in working area.
  • Supervising and monitoring community activities includes SBCC activities to ensure Peer (educators, mobilizers, navigators) have all required tools etc.
  • Work in collaborative with LGAs in managing community engagement portfolio
  • Coordinate and support the Peers (educators, mobilizers, navigators) to implement and monitor the timely implementation of comprehensive HIV services and provision of friendly services to all KVP clients
  • Manage peer educators and peer navigator to ensure proper planning and implementation of community engagement related activities like demand creation, group, and individual education sessions
  • Support PEs to ensure that vulnerability index tool administered and filed for all AGYW enrolled in the project.
  • Support establishment of case management team in conjunction with health facility
  • Work with project and district officials to facilitate community engagement trainings to, peer educators and navigators and other relevant training required
  • Support integration of HTS with other biomedical and behavioral intervention to key population

B: Networking

  • Establish effective work relationship with other stakeholders and CHMT partners on program activities
  • Work with Peers (educators, mobilizers, navigators) to identify and link KVP clients to other implementing partners for psychosocial support.
  • Work collaboratively with other project team members to ensure necessary program planning, development, and management activities function smoothly and efficiently and in an integrated manner

How to Apply:

Interested candidates, who meet the above requirements, should send a CV, Passport Size Photo and Cover Letter (only) indicating position applied. Through our email address asutavacancy@gmail.com.  The closing date for applications is 20th September 2024. Each application should include at least Three Referees Telephone and email address Contacts of which must be submitted together with the application. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified and contacted for interview.

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